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Department Chairs

Department Chair Email

English Language Arts

Ms. Christi Street


Ms. Charlie Moore

Health/Physical Education

Ms. Karla Armstrong


Ms. Sherri Wylie


Ms. Lisa Nickel


Ms. Leah Robinson

Social Studies

Dr. John Crumb

Special Education/IRR

Ms. Kelley Hummel

Special Education/MIMO

Ms. MaryBeth Redman

Special Education/Co-MIMO

Ms. Jana Resch

World Language

Ms. Katherine Ziolkowski


Principal's Honor Roll

The Principal’s Honor Roll recognizes students with all A’s at the end of a semester grading period. Students need to earn a grade of 90 or higher in ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading or World Language, and each Connections course during a semester grading period. Honors points do not count toward Principal’s Honor Roll. Students who earn Principal’s Honor Roll each semester will receive a certificate during homeroom and a treat from our PTO during lunch. These recognitions will take place each semester on a date to be determined. During second semester, students who meet the criteria for Principal’s Honor Roll at the 4 ½ week progress report (during 4th quarter), will receive the designation for second semester. 

Middle School Initial Placement Guidelines 2024-2025 

In January, teachers of pre-requisite courses are responsible for making appropriate course recommendations for the next school year based on current and past performance. In making recommendations, teachers are encouraged to consider student interests, overall course load, and the district placement guidelines. Schools are encouraged to review and share data with students and parents regarding data points and student behaviors that indicate overall student success in advanced courses. In considering student interests and overall course load, teachers may or may not recommend a student for an advanced, honors, or Advanced Placement course; however, a student who meets the criteria outlined in the district placement guidelines should not be prevented from taking the course. In determining placement for students who fall short of the criteria, overall aptitude demonstrated by the preponderance of evidence from past performance and teacher feedback should be considered, always bearing in mind what is in the best interests of the student. Parents may sign a waiver for placement in an advanced, honors, or Advanced Placement course if a student does not meet the district placement guidelines. Parents should not be asked to sign a waiver if a student meets the district placement guidelines but is not recommended by the teacher. In May, teachers will review the initial placement decision and additional spring data to make a final placement recommendation. Please note that the initial placement guidelines do not include guidance for acceleration in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Acceleration requires skipping curriculum, and the decision should be guided by the Continuous Achievement 36 Week Review Process in May. Waivers are not available for middle school TAG classes as additional state funding is collected for TAG students enrolled in these courses. Alternative placement criteria are applied by the TAG teacher to determine if an additional TAG class is appropriate for a TAG student.

For assistance in using the guidelines, please contact the appropriate Learning and Teaching content specialist:

K-5 English Language Arts Kerri-Ann Williams
6-12 English Language Arts Kelley Webb
Mathematics Susan Baker
Science Steven Moody
Social Studies Crystal Flowers
World Language Jamie Patterson
Talented and Gifted Jessica Sevin



At Northwestern Middle School, we believe effective and timely communication is essential to our mission. NMS staff, students, and parents/guardians should maintain open, honest, and respectful lines of communication. Working together is the best way to help each student achieve success!

Infinite Campus: The Infinite Campus portals – Campus Parent and Campus Student – provide access to information for all enrolled students in their household. Information includes grades, attendance, assignments, and school announcements.

More information about Infinite Campus can be found on the FCS website: Campus Parent Portal.

Email: Students and parents can access the staff directory on our website: NMS Staff Directory.

Staff members will respond to student and parent email within one-to-two school days.

Microsoft Teams: Each teacher will maintain a Microsoft Team for their course(s). The class Team will be utilized for the administration, documentation, communication, and delivery of course curriculum, assignments and assessments.  

Teachers will maintain the following resources in their class Team:

  1. Course Syllabus
  2. Weekly Lesson Plans
  3. Class Calendar with upcoming assignments, assessments, and morning help sessions.

Conferences/Meetings: A teacher and/or parent/guardian may request a conference at any time during the school year. Conferences should be prearranged and confirmed at least 24 hours in advance by both parties through phone or email communication. Parents/guardians should follow our school visitor guidelines when coming to the school for a conference.


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